Knees, ankles and shoulders are most often injured

Half of all handball injuries occur in two body parts: the knee and the ankle. Our research suggests that specific warm up programme can reduce risk of injury by up to 50%. These exercises are shown below. A pleasant side effect is that they also make you a stronger and better handball player.



Warm-up programs in handball have traditionally consisted of exercises like jogging, jumping and throwing, but you should not restrict yourself to that. Research has shown that the exercise program below can reduce the risk of injury by half. It gets you warmed up and ready for action, and is suitable before training and matches.


The exercises below are divided into three levels. From easy to more difficult. Try it for yourself and see what level you are at. You should be able to master the exercises at one level before advancing to the next, but you can combine exercises from the different levels.

Proper warm-up is important Let´s start


  • Level 1

    10 exercises get pdf

    Programmet består av tre nivåer. Når du mestrer øvelsene på det første nivået, er det på tide å gå videre til neste.

  • Level 2

    10 exercises get pdf

    Programmet består av tre nivåer. Når du mestrer øvelsene på det første og andre nivået, er det på tide å gå videre til det tredje.

  • Level 3

    10 exercises get pdf

    Programmet består av tre nivåer. Når du mestrer øvelsene på alle nivåene, er det viktig å fortsette å gjør dem hver uke for holde effekten ved like.

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