Enhance your performance

Ski jumping is all about developing ski skills, balance and transfer of weight, mobility in the ankles and hips for a good jumping technique.

Ski jumping

Basic training to perform better

If you want to perform in Nordic combined, you need to work on your physical skills. In addition to stamina, you need to develop strength, agility and plyometrics. For a young athlete, building strength in the whole body is the most important aspect. This does not need to be specific to the sport, but should include exercises for the shoulders, abdominals and back, hips and thighs. Both legs should be equally strong, and there should be a good balance of strength between the front and back thigh muscles. So don’t forget to work your hamstrings!

Motor skills are important

A fall increases an athlete's risk of injuring their knee if the boot does not release during landing and the knee twists. For this reason, it is important to have equipment that is working correctly. You also need to do basic training to develop control of your body and build strength in your thighs before you try harder jumps.

Mobility is important

Good ankle mobility is necessary for a powerful takeoff, and important for good balance. Mobility in the ankles and hips will help your posture. Mobility and stability in the hips will help your thrust. Maybe it will help you catch up with a competitor?


  • Level 1

    6 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master these exercises, you can move on to the next level.

  • Level 2

    6 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the exercises on the 1st and 2nd level, you can move on to the 3rd level.

  • Level 3

    6 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the program on all 3 levels, it is important to continue doing them regularly to maintain their effect.

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