Skadefri + Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center
Skadefri is an evidence-based resource developed for anyone who engage in or facilitate sport. Skadefri provide information on common sports injuries, injury risk factors, and specific injury prevention exercises for the sport of choice. This website and App is based on current sports medicine and injury prevention research from around the world.

The aim is to have more people participating and enjoying sports for longer without experiencing any negative health effects such as injuries. Sports injury prevention programs exist, however, the public may not be aware of them or may not be able to access the latest resources. Skadefri was therefore develop to address these gaps in access to sport specific injury prevention resources and make them available in one platform
Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center
The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) was established in May 2000 at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and chaired by Professor Roald Bahr and Professor Lars Engebretsen. The OSTRC is located adjacent to the Olympiatoppen and several staff members at OSTRC hold appointments at the Olympiatoppen. In 2008, OSTRC was inaugurated as an IOC Research Center of Excellence for its work on the prevention of injury and protection of athlete health, one of 10 such centers around the world. Also, it was selected as a FIFA Medical Center of Excellence. The OSTRC aims to prevent injuries and other health problems related to sports. The majority of the research conducted at OSTRC involves elite sports such as in football, handball, and alpine skiing/snowboarding. In addition, the research team have a specific focus on preventing injuries in young athlete. Through its many partnerships and collaborations, OSTRC is a world leader sports medicine and injury prevention field therefore highly regarded nationally and internationally. Read more on
For this purpose, research is needed to understand the sport-specific risk factors (why do injuries happen), injury mechanisms (how do they happen), and prevention methods (what ca be done to prevent injuries from happening)
The OSTRC is a joint venture between UllevÄl University Hospital and the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, with base funding from the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Culture, the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sport, the International Olympic Committee, the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, and Norsk Tipping AS. In addition, the Center receives funding for research projects from other organizations such as FIS and the IOC.
The Skadefri-project is primarily funded through Sparebankstiftelsen DNB and Skadetelefonen.