Heard about Skadefri?
We know that many injuries can be prevented. Here on Skadefri (English url: www.fittoplay.org) you can see how.

In May 2000, the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) was established with a focus on preventing sports injuries and other associated health problems. A significant amount of research was conducted to better understand sports specific injuries, body parts most at risk, how these injuries occur and what causes them.
Based on this knowledge, we have developed Skadefri, in cooperation with Olympiatoppen (the Norwegian High Performance Center) and the National Sports Federtions. On Skadefri, which means "injury free" in English, you can read about the most common injuries for almost 60 sports and several different body parts and find evidence-based exercise programs that help you preventing these injuries.
If you had one injury, then you have a higher risk of getting injured again. Therefore, injury prevention is even more important if you had a previous injury. As you know, you cannot perform well when you were injured and/or you might not be fully recovered to perform at a high level.
The Get Set - Train Smarter -app: a great tool for athletes, coaches and others involved in sports
There are two ways to navigate the Get Set app.
- Choose your sport and learn more about common injuries and exercises to prevent them
- Choose the body part that you had/have an injury or a body part you want to prevent injuries from occurring
Some exercises included fit for more than one sport and/or body part. You will therefore find them in several places in the app.
3 levels of progression
You will not become better in your sport without a lot of training. The exercises in the Get Set - Train Smarter app are divided into three levels of progression and are presented with variety to contribute to increased performance, challenge and motivation over time. Therefore, Get Set - Train Smarter caters for everyone’s needs, regardless of their ability or level of play. You may recognize some exercises and there may be some that you have never seen. All these exercises are developed using latest evidence to prevent injuries as well as to make you stronger.
Instructional videos
All the injury prevention exercises are presented with an instructional video and a short text description on how to correctly perform that exercise, followed by recommendations for the number of sets/repetitions. The selected exercises require minimal equipment and can be done anywhere.
You can also download training programs as PDFs and share them with your mates.
Share your training program
It is also possible to create your own training program with exercises from the app. In the app you can click on "new workout", name the workout, and add exercies and sets of your choosing. There is also a sharing funcion, which allows you to share your program with others.
To be able to share a workout/training program with others, you need to create an account and be able to log in. Having an account also means that should you lose your phone or delete the app at some point, you will still have your workouts saved on your account.
Remember; the app and all its functions are free!