The spine is less fragile than many people believe

If you experience acute onset of back pain, it is wise to limit painful activities in the first days, in the same way you should temporary rest an ankle after a sprain. Following rest, it is important to resume your activity routines in order to recover quickly.


Lower back pain

There is no specific exercise that has been proven to work best when it comes to treating low back pain. Below, you will find exercises where the goal is to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. In addition, you should choose an activity you enjoy and that does not cause you much pain. It might be running, cycling, or general strength training. Start with a small amount and increase your activity level gradually.

Exercise as pain relief

When we are physically active our brain produces certain hormones that help us with pain relief. Therefore, it is important to return to activity quickly after an episode with back pain. In addition to being active, sleep and rest are crucial for pain relief and building up energy for a normal activity level.

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  • Level 3

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the program on all 3 levels, it is important to continue doing them regularly to maintain their effect.

  • Level 1

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master these exercises, you can move on to the next level.

  • Level 2

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the exercises on the 1st and 2nd level, you can move on to the 3rd level.

  • Level 3

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the program on all 3 levels, it is important to continue doing them regularly to maintain their effect.

  • Level 1

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master these exercises, you can move on to the next level.

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