Additional information
Nordic Combined
Enhance your performance
Ski jumping and cross-country skiing have a lot in common. They are all about developing ski skills, balance and transfer of weight, mobility in the ankles and hips for a good jump and good technique when skiing.
Training regularly is essential for improving and enjoying your sport over time. When you're injured, it prevents you from consistent training. Did you know that a previous injury increases the risk of a new one? That's why injury prevention is crucial to help you enjoy and perform in your sport. This program is designed to help you stay injury-free, so you can keep progressing and enjoy your sport for many years to come.
Injuries are complex and can be influenced by many factors, such as training volume, physical condition, recovery, and overall load – to name a few. Although it is not easy to influence all of these factors, load management is an important aspect that can help reduce the risk of injuries. By properly balancing training load, you can decrease the risk of injuries. Together with coaches and parents, you can ensure an adapted load that allows for development while giving the body enough time to recover. You can read more about load management under "Nice to Know" on the homepage.
If you want to perform in Nordic combined, you need to work on your physical skills. In addition to stamina, you need to develop strength, agility and plyometrics. For a young athlete, building strength in the whole body is the most important aspect. This does not need to be specific to the sport, but should include exercises for the shoulders, abdominals and back, hips and thighs. Both legs should be equally strong, and there should be a good balance of strength between the front and back thigh muscles. So don’t forget to work your hamstrings!
A fall increases an athlete's risk of injuring their knee if the boot does not release during landing and the knee twists. For this reason, it is important to have equipment that is working correctly. You also need to do basic training to develop control of your body and build strength in your thighs before you try harder jumps.
Ankle mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve ankle flexibility
Start in lunge position
Position the elastic band just above your ankle joint
Move knee slowly forwards and backwards
3 x 30 seconds
Pelvic lift
2–3 x 6–8 repetitions
Purpose: To improve low back and pelvis control
Lie on your back with bent knees
The hips and knees should remain 90 degrees throughout the whole exercise
Lift up your pelvis
2–3 x 6–8 repetitions
Hip mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve hip mobility
Sit with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees
Roll both knees to one side, touching one on he floor in front of you
Slowly rotate from side to side
3 x 30 seconds
The diver
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve trunk control and hamstring strength
Balance on one leg, with your knee slightly bent
Tilt your upper body forwards from the hip
Keep your head, back and opposite leg in a straight line
Raise your arms overhead
Progression: Hold a medicine ball or dumbbell
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Leg curl
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve control of the hips, pelvis and low back
Lift up your pelvis and extend your hips
Slowly roll the ball towards you by bending your knees
Roll the ball backwards until your knees are extended
Keep your lower back and pelvis stable throughout the movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Walking lunges
3 x 5–10 meter
Purpose: To improve hip and knee control
Walk forwards and backwards with deep lunges
Cross your hands behind your head
3 x 5–10 meter
3 x 20 seconds
Purpose: To improve back flexibility
Start in a 4-point kneeling position
Rotate one arm at a time
Keep your eyes on your hand during the exercise
3 x 20 seconds
Sideways box jump
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hip and knee control
Jump sideways from a box
Land with good alignment through the hip, knee and ankle
Use your arms to generate momentum
Progression: Jump further away from the box
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Sideways shuffle
3 x 5 meter in each direction
Purpose: To strengthen the gluteal muscles
Start in a squat position
Place an elastic band around your knees
Shuffle sideways
3 x 5 meter in each direction
Sideways jumps on bosu
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve jumping power and technique
Perform a deep squat on a bosu
Jump sideways onto another bosu
Go straight into another squat as you land
Keep knees aligned with your toes
3 x 8–16 repetitions
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve strength and control in the trunk and shoulders
Start in a plank position
Partner holds your ankles
Walk forwards and backwards on your hands
Maintain a neutral back position throughout the exercise
3 x 30 seconds
Hamstrings stretch
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hamstring flexibility
Hold behind your thigh
Straighten your knee as far as possible
Keep your ankle relaxed throughout the exercise
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Nordic Hamstrings
3 x 3–5 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the hamstrings muscles
Kneel on a soft mat
Slowly fall forwards, keeping your upper body and hips straight
Control the falling motion using your hamstrings
Use your arms to push yourself back to the start position
Ankle mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve ankle flexibility
Start in lunge position
Position the elastic band just above your ankle joint
Move knee slowly forwards and backwards
3 x 30 seconds
Back mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: Improve lower back flexibility and control
Stand with feet hip–width apart
Start with your hips and knees bent
Place an elastic band around your knees
Tilt your pelvis forwards and backwards in different squat depths
Controlled movement
3 x 30 seconds
Hamstrings stretch
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hamstring flexibility
Hold behind your thigh
Straighten your knee as far as possible
Keep your ankle relaxed throughout the exercise
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Hip flexor stretch
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hip flexibility
Move weight slowly forwards
Keep upper body straight
Lean your upper body to the same side as your front foot
3 x 5–8 repetitions
Side hold +
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve hip and trunk strength
Support yourself on your elbow and lift your body
Your body should be in a straight line
Lift your top leg as high as possible
Lower your body to the start position between repetitions
3 x 30 seconds
Leg curl +
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve control of the hips, pelvis and low back
Lift up your pelvis and extend your hips
Slowly roll the ball towards you with one leg by bending your knee
Roll the ball backwards until your knee is extended
Keep your lower back and pelvis stable throughout the movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Push up
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve upper body strength and shoulder stability
Perform push ups
At the top, keep elbows straight and push upper back as high as possible
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Sideways shuffle
3 x 5 meter in each direction
Purpose: To strengthen the gluteal muscles
Start in a squat position
Place an elastic band around your knees
Shuffle sideways
3 x 5 meter in each direction
Hip thrust on ball
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve trunk control and balance
Kneel on a large exercise ball
Bend forward as far as possible
Lift body and extend hips explosively
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Double-leg box jump
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve jumping power and technique
Jump onto a box from a deep squat
Land on 2 legs with knees over toes
Hold the landing position for approx 1 sec
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Rotation +
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: Improve spinal control and flexibility
Kneel in a lunge position on two mats or balls
Rotate trunk in each direction as far as possible
Keep back straight
Progression: Close your eyes
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Ankle mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve ankle flexibility
Start in lunge position
Position the elastic band just above your ankle joint
Move knee slowly forwards and backwards
3 x 30 seconds
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hip mobility and control
Place a slippery material under one foot (e.g. a piece of carpet)
Slide the foot slowely backwards into a lunge position
Keep your weight on the front foot
Maintain good alignment between your hips, knees and toes
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Hip mobility
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve hip mobility
Sit with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees
Roll both knees to one side, touching one on he floor in front of you
Slowly rotate from side to side
3 x 30 seconds
The diver
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve trunk control and hamstring strength
Balance on one leg, with your knee slightly bent
Tilt your upper body forwards from the hip
Keep your head, back and opposite leg in a straight line
Raise your arms overhead
Progression: Hold a medicine ball or dumbbell
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Kneeling hip stretch +
2–3 x 6–8 repetitions
Purpose: To improve hip flexibility
Place one foot forward, keeping the knee over the heel
Keep your back straight and push your hips forwards
Your hips should be in front of your belly button
Lift a ball overhead
2–3 x 6–8 repetitions
Leg curl
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve control of the hips, pelvis and low back
Lift up your pelvis and extend your hips
Slowly roll the ball towards you by bending your knees
Roll the ball backwards until your knees are extended
Keep your lower back and pelvis stable throughout the movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Wheelbarrow +
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve strength and control in the trunk and shoulders
Start in a plank position
Partner holds your ankles
Move slowly forwards and backwards
Maintain alignment through your body
3 x 30 seconds
Single–leg squats with rotation
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve single–leg balance and control
Perform a single-leg overhead squat
Rotate your upper body towards the standing leg at the bottom
Focus on good alignment between your hip, knee and toes
Return explosively back to start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Single–leg box jump +
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve jumping control
Jump with 2 legs from a bosu
Land on one leg on a high box, focus on good hip and knee alignment
Maintain landing position for appox 1 sec
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Double-leg box jump +
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve jumping power and technique
Jump onto a box from a deep squat on a bosu
Land on 2 legs with knees over toes
Hold the landing position for approx 1 sec
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Nordic Hamstrings
3 x 6–8 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the hamstrings muscles
Kneel on a soft mat
Slowly fall forwards, keeping your upper body and hips straight
Control the falling motion using your hamstrings
Use your arms to push yourself back to the start position
3 x 6–8 repetitions
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