Do you know the most common injuries in triathlon?
The most common injuries in triathlon are overuse injuries to the knee, calf, foot, and ankle.

Many athletes also have problems with their lower back and shoulders. Overuse injuries are usually due to a poor balance between training and recovery, often combined with a lack of strength or control. Many triathletes start out as either runners or swimmers, and injury statistics reflect this fact. Athletes who are more experienced swimmers are particularly vulnerable to injury when running, and vice versa. For this reason, it is important to go slowly when taking on a new discipline to become a triathlete.
Click the links below to find more information on the most common injuries.
Common injuries
- Ankle sprain
- Stress fracture in the ankle, tibia and fibula
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome
- RunnerĀ“s knee
- Achilles tendinoapathy
- Back pain
- Collar bone fracture
- Impingement of the rotator cuff