Do you know the most common injuries in climbing?
In climbing, it is the upper body that is most prone to injury - fingers, elbow and shoulder are typical injury areas for a climber.

Climbing requires a lot of shoulders, elbows and fingers - and many repetitive movements combined with a high training load can cause strain injuries in these areas. Once you've had an injury once, there's a greater risk of getting it again.
The main risk factor for a repetitive strain injury is increasing the amount of exercise too quickly. This means it's important not to get too excited - even if you experience great progress in your climbing! Skeletons, muscles, tendons and ligaments gradually become stronger - but the key is to give your body time to build up. It is therefore important to manage the amount of training correctly and train strength to resist strain injuries.
Acute injuries in climbing can occur from falls. Typical acute injuries are ankle injuries, such as sprains or fractures of the ankle. Acute injuries can also occur in the fingers, and ligament injuries are a common injury in climbing.
Typical injuries in climbing:
- Ring ligament injuries
- Growth zone injuries in the fingers
- Shoulder pain
- Elbow pain