Be fit to play!

With injury prevention exercises, a well-structured warm-up, proper load management, good technique and protective gear, you will reduce your risk of injury.



Training regularly is essential for improving and enjoying your sport over time. When you're injured, it prevents you from consistent training. Did you know that a previous injury increases the risk of a new one? That's why injury prevention is crucial to help you enjoy and perform in your sport. This program is designed to help you stay injury-free, so you can keep progressing and enjoy your sport for many years to come.


Injuries are complex and can be influenced by many factors, such as training volume, physical condition, recovery, and overall load – to name a few. Although it is not easy to influence all of these factors, load management is an important aspect that can help reduce the risk of injuries. By properly balancing training load, you can decrease the risk of injuries. Together with coaches and parents, you can ensure an adapted load that allows for development while giving the body enough time to recover. You can read more about load management under "Nice to Know" on the homepage.


For young athletes, adolescence is a time of many changes, both physically and mentally. It is during this period that we grow and develop, which is why it is important to be patient and understand that this phase is about building a solid foundation—not about being the best right now. Training habits that emphasize gradual progression, enjoyment, and versatility will lay the groundwork for a long, fun, and rewarding career in sports. By focusing on mastery and development, one can experience continuous progress and joy in sports in the future. You can read more about growth and maturation in young athletes under "Nice to Know" on the homepage.


Protective gear has been well documented to prevent injury. In taekwondo, wearing a vest and a helmet is mandatory. It is important that the gear fits correctly and is in good condition. Otherwise, it should be replaced. If you are tired and your technique is slipping, it is time to end your training session. A tired athlete with poor technique and reduced focus is at an increased risk of making technical errors and causing injury.


  • Level 1

    6 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master these exercises, you can move on to the next level.

  • Level 2

    7 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the exercises on the 1st and 2nd level, you can move on to the 3rd level.

  • Level 3

    5 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the program on all 3 levels, it is important to continue doing them regularly to maintain their effect.

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