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Para sport
Healthy Para sport athletes
With injury prevention training, proper warm-up and load management you can reduce the risk of injury.
Training regularly is essential for improving and enjoying your sport over time. When you're injured, it prevents you from consistent training. Did you know that a previous injury increases the risk of a new one? That's why injury prevention is crucial to help you enjoy and perform in your sport. This program is designed to help you stay injury-free, so you can keep progressing and enjoy your sport for many years to come.
Injuries are complex and can be influenced by many factors, such as training volume, physical condition, recovery, and overall load – to name a few. Although it is not easy to influence all of these factors, load management is an important aspect that can help reduce the risk of injuries. By properly balancing training load, you can decrease the risk of injuries. Together with coaches and parents, you can ensure an adapted load that allows for development while giving the body enough time to recover. You can read more about load management under "Nice to Know" on the homepage.
A stable shoulder is reliant on the interplay between the muscles around the shoulder. These muscles must be strong and enduring for optimal function. This is especially true if you are depending on your wheelchair for transportation or competing in an over head sport.
Warm-up programs in sports have traditionally consisted of exercises like jogging, jumping and throwing, but you should not restrict yourself to that. Research has shown that the strength and conditioning exercises can reduce the risk of injury by half. It gets you warmed up and ready for action, and is suitable before training and matches.
Sitting rowing
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To increase control in the shoulder complex
Keep your upper body straight
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Sitting rotation
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve thoracic spine flexibility
Sit with your legs crossed
Straighten your back
Keep your shoulders low while you rotate your upper body
Push against your knee with the opposite hand, look over your shoulder
3 x 30 seconds
Elbow extension
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Purpose: To warm up and prevention of elbow injuries
Keep upper body straight
Hold one end of the elastic band against your chest
Extend shoulder and elbow
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Side lying rotation
3 x 30 seconds
Purpose: To improve upper back flexibility
Lie in a stable position on your side
Pull your shoulder-blade back and down
Leading with a straight arm, rotate your upper back as far as possible
3 x 30 seconds
Lateral stability
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve lateral trunk stability
Sit with your legs crossed
Straighten your back
Hold the elastic overhead and lower to the side
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Shoulder external rotation
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the shoulder external rotator muscles
Start with your shoulder elevated to 90° and your elbow flexed
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
Stretch the elastic by rotating your shoulder backwards as far as possible
Your upper arm should not move from it's original position throughout the whole exercise
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Wrist extension
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm down
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Elbow supination
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve forearm strength
Hold a dumbell in your hand
Slowly turn your palms upward
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Wrist flexion
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm up
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Elbow pronation
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Hold elastic with the palms up and one arm crossed over the other
Slowly turn palms downward, tightening the elastic
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetisjoner
Sitting rowing
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To increase control in the shoulder complex
Keep your upper body straight
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Y exercise
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the shoulders and upper back
Elevate arms in a Y–pattern
Keep shoulders low and arms straight
In the end position pull shoulder-blades back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Medicine ball throws
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve trunk stability
Sit with your legs crossed
Throw and catch a medicine ball with your partner
3 x 8–16 repetitions
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the shoulders and upper back
Hold shoulder-blades down
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve upper body strength and shoulder stability
Pull your shoulder-blade back and down
Keep the weight close to your body while rotating
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Upper back mobility +
3 x 10–15 repetitions
Purpose: To enhance back mobility and abdominal strength
Lie with foam roller or bosu placed under the center of your back
Slowly extend backwards, breathe deeply, then return to the start position
Avoid movement in the lower back during the exercise
3 x 10–15 repetitions
Wrist extension
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm down
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Wrist flexion
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm up
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Elbow supination
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve forearm strength
Hold a dumbell in your hand
Slowly turn your palms upward
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Elbow supination
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve forearm strength
Hold elastic tight with the palms down
Slowly turn your palms upward, further tightening the elastic
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the shoulders and upper back
Hold shoulder-blades down
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Sit ups
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To enhance core stability
Throw the ball when lifting up from the bosu
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Push-up +
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve upper body strength and shoulder stability
Place knees on bosu
Perform push ups
At the top, keep elbows straight and push upper back as high as possible
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Core stability
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To enhance core stability
Hold the elastic band with straight arms
Pull the elastic band in turns
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Shoulder external rotation
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen the shoulder external rotator muscles
Start with your shoulder elevated to 90° and your elbow flexed
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
Stretch the elastic by rotating your shoulder backwards as far as possible
Your upper arm should not move from it's original position throughout the whole exercise
3 x 8–16 repetitions
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve upper body strength and shoulder stability
Pull your shoulder-blade back and down
Keep the weight close to your body while rotating
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Sitting rowing
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To increase control in the shoulder complex
Keep your upper body straight
Straighten your back and pull your shoulder-blade back and down
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Wrist flexion
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm up
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Wrist extension
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Rest forearm on your thigh, palm down
Flex and extend your wrist
Control downwards movement
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Elbow pronation
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To strengthen forearm muscles
Hold elastic with the palms up and one arm crossed over the other
Slowly turn palms downward, tightening the elastic
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetisjoner
Elbow supination
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve forearm strength
Hold a dumbell in your hand
Slowly turn your palms upward
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
Elbow supination
3 x 8-16 repetitions
Purpose: To improve forearm strength
Hold elastic tight with the palms down
Slowly turn your palms upward, further tightening the elastic
Slowly return to the start position
3 x 8–16 repetitions
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